Rafting with the best


Malaya Outworld have strong and key personnel with strong character which bring more added value to the our operation team. The core team members was gain their vast experience in Outdoor activity segment based on personal experience. They are capable in handling much more extreme critical situation based on experience gain onsite before and theoretical experience learn from the successor before.

Ir. Fayummi

Founder & Owner

Malay Ethnicity. Serious and funny character, depends on the opponent. Outdoor and life challenge lover. Nasi Kandar with Ayam Bawang Craver.

Professional Engineer
Professional River Guide
Professional Rescuer
Professional Diver


Rafting Specialist

Malay Ethnicity. Sabahan. Top notch river rescuer in Kuala Kubu Bharu. Woman and wild animal lover. More than decade years’ experience in River guiding. Easy to be call as “Dong”.

Professional River Guide
Professional Rescuer


River Specialist

Local TEMUAN Tribe leader in Kuala Kubu Bharu, Selangor. Locally known as “Anting”. Well versed with River Selangor Swift water and obstacles. More than decades guiding experience in river.

Professional River Guide
Professional Rescuer

Class 1 Rapids – Easiest:

Slow to fast moving water. Some small waves and ripples along the way.  Not many obstructions, easily visible

Class 2 Rapids – Easy:

The rapids are slightly larger than Class I. Channels are wide, clear and easily navigable. Maneuvering around some objects may be necessary but not difficult. If slightly more navigation is necessary or water is quicker, the rapid may be considered “Class II+”

Class 3 Rapids – Medium:

Moderately sized, irregular waves. Faster current and narrower passages. Large waves, obstructions, rocks can be easily avoided with precise maneuvering. Powerful currents and strong eddies. Injuries are rare.

Class 4 Rapids – Advanced:

Current is fast, rapids are long and difficult. Passages are constricted and may include unavoidable waves and holes. Scouting the rapid before is recommended to know the best route.

Class 5 Rapids – Expert:

Extremely long, complex and difficult. Waves are large and unavoidable. Drops, holes and steep chutes are common. Scouting is highly recommended.

Class 6 Rapids – Extreme:

These runs often exemplify the extremes of difficulty, unpredictability, and dangers of whitewater rafting. The consequences of errors are very severe!

Class 1 Rapids – Easiest:  Slow to fast moving water. Some small waves and ripples along the way.  Not many obstructions, easily visible

Class 2 Rapids – Easy: The rapids are slightly larger than Class I. Channels are wide, clear and easily navigable. Maneuvering around some objects may be necessary but not difficult. If slightly more navigation is necessary or water is quicker, the rapid may be considered “Class II+”

Class 3 – Medium: Moderately sized, irregular waves. Faster current and narrower passages. Large waves, obstructions, rocks can be easily avoided with precise maneuvering. Powerful currents and strong eddies. Injuries are rare.

Class 4 – Advanced: *Current is fast, rapids are long and difficult. Passages are constricted and may include unavoidable waves and holes. Scouting the rapid before is recommended to know the best route.

Class 5 – Expert: *Extremely long, complex and difficult. Waves are large and unavoidable. Drops, holes and steep chutes are common. Scouting is highly recommended.

Class 6 – Extreme: *These runs often exemplify the extremes of difficulty, unpredictability, and dangers of whitewater rafting. The consequences of errors are very severe!